Superstars, Hot Tea, and Croissants with Sarah Michelle Lee

Photo by Sydney Tate Bradford

There are certain songs throughout history that would simply throw the universe off balance if they didn’t exist. One of these songs is the 1971 hit song “Superstar,” originally written by Bonnie Bramlett and Leon Russell and transformed into a hit record for several artists throughout the years, most notably for The Carpenters, Luther Vandross, and Sonic Youth.

Everything about “Superstar” on an atomic level makes an indelible imprint on the listener when they hear the opening slide guitar against ambient white noise and the dulcet tones of Karen Carpenter’s voice – or Thurston Moore’s wavering, menacing whisper if the Sonic Youth version is more your vibe.

Now, we can add another take to the song’s canon with a cover by Sarah Michelle Lee, known most notably as the lead singer of Brooklyn-based jazz-rock fusion band monarch. It’s a faithful rendition of the song, with subtle nods to both The Carpenters and Sonic Youth versions, in that it feels like floating inside a dreamscape. It opens with a fluttering synthesized flute sound, followed by acoustic strumming, pedal steel, and crisp percussive beats that sound like claves or castanets where a snare drum would normally be.

This is all tied together beautifully by Sarah’s voice, a gorgeous mezzo-soprano tone that’s velvety smooth and goes down easy like a bottle of the finest Lambrusco. For a good cover, you need to have an iconic song, and the artist must be able to put their own spin on it. Sarah Michelle Lee strikes this delicate balance masterfully, infusing her own unique quirks and intonations into the vocal parts, making the song her own without radically reinventing the wheel.

Sarah also happens to be a dear friend of mine. So I couldn’t resist the urge to ask her to meet up for a coffee date to chat all about the process behind recording the song, what’s next for her solo endeavors outside of monarch., her deep love of the ocean, and more.

What made you decide to start your solo journey with this cover? 

So I’ve been wanting to go solo for a long time. I recorded an original song in August or September. But, it’s very ocean-themed, and I don’t want to do any promo for it until it’s warmer outside. So I was racking my brain about what to release first. 

I was already singing “Superstar” along to myself when I was doing very mundane human tasks like bathing myself or cleaning, so I just decided to cover that. My friend Eric produced it for me, and my friend Bridger does pedal steel on it, which is rad. And there’s a lot more to come, but this is a good starting point for showcasing my abilities as a solo artist. 

Speaking of the ocean, have you handpicked any specific beach that you want to shoot at? 

Yes, actually. One of the lines in that song is “let’s get rich off our love and buy a house out in Rhode Island.” So I want to go to Rhode Island, just to capture myself running around, being cute, and swimming. 

A lot of times when things come to me melody-wise or creative inspiration strikes, I’ll either be driving or taking a bath. And I was actually in the bath when I was idly singing the song and realized it was the right decision.

– Sarah Michelle Lee
Photos by Sydney Tate Bradford

You mentioned you would sing “Superstar” to yourself while you were alone. Was that comfort a major catalyst for the decision to cover it? 

Definitely, yeah. A lot of times when things come to me melody-wise or creative inspiration strikes, I’ll either be driving or taking a bath. And I was actually in the bath when I was idly singing the song and realized it was the right decision. So I think it’s definitely a meditative thing. When I’m driving or taking a shower, I’m the most relaxed. 

Did you record this in a studio or at home? 

Yeah, so my friend Eric has a studio in Wappingers. I’ve been working with him since I started monarch. in 2021, so I’m really comfortable just showing up not knowing what I’m doing or what I want something to sound like, but I’ll give him a vibe and he’s really good at translating it to melody and instrumental soundscapes that match. 

The promo photos and cover art almost depict you as an old Hollywood icon or silent film star. What inspired these visuals? 

Julie London is definitely the vibe for that. Her album covers are very old Hollywood-esque, and so that’s the direction I gave Sydney Tate [who shot the photos], and they immediately got the vision. I also just love to work with people who I’m comfortable around and really close friends with. 

If you could choose anyone in the local music scene to form a supergroup with, who would it be? 

Oh god, it would probably be a ten-person group, because there’s so many people. Here’s just a few people off the top of my head: Mary Hood, Yael S. Copeland, Al Olander, Sahana Rao, Shallow Alcove, Jessica Loundsbury, Sweetbreads, Wetsuit, The Women’s National Hockey League… I could probably go on forever, so I think that’s a good place to cut it. 







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